Friday, February 18, 2005

Brother Michael's Devotional

John 14;6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

What is Christianity? Is it a set of rules that we keep? Is it living by the Sermon on the Mount or by the Golden Rule? But lets be honest with ourselves, who keeps the Sermon on the Mount. Who never becomes angry or wrathful or never looks at something or someone to lust after them? If you have ever attempted to live up to a set of rules you know that was all it was, an attempt. What we need is to be set free from the law. You see, my friend, the law was never intended to be a method to reach God, it only revealed the need for a Savior. (Galatians 3;19-20) The reason that the law is so appealing to so many is that it gratifies the flesh. If you set up your own little set of rules you can feel pretty good about yourself and look down on others. But that is no good. We do not need more religion, we need redemption, and that redemption is available today. We have redemption through the blood of Christ, even the forgiveness of sins. Are you thirsty for the truth? Are you thirsty for righteousness? Come to Christ now, there is enough for you at the well He draws water from. The only prerequisite is to be thirsty.